I spent Monday to Friday from February 14th to February 18th working on making a Bitcoin user interface with Django and uploaded the results onto Github. I also have a movie of it here.
This app allows you to edit pictures, add sound and images on your phone. You can also generate html code that will create interactive audio-visual pictures to your website.
This is a video of me creating an embedded device. At the time, I was using the Arduino to program a temperature sensor to take periodic temperature readings and then store the data on an onboard ROM to be read out later on and processed. I came up with this project because I asked myself one day: what exactly is it that I want to learn about the world around me? My answer was that I wanted to know how hot I could get a jar of water to get if I placed it in the sun. In the process, I learned some very interesting things, like the fact that the temperature changes sinusoidally, that it's better to have one button than no buttons at all when developing devices, and that the water doesn't get hot enough to boil.
Using a mouse, you can drag the pieces to move them. You can rotate the pieces by clicking on the edge and dragging your mouse.
Chinese Chess demo. (Uses a mouse.)
React to do list demo. You can add new to do list items with new names and click on the newly added items to mark the tasks as complete. I know this is a very simple demo, but I can do more complex stuff also. The video demo below is a little more complex, and the stuff that I am capable of doing now is even more complex than what is in that video.
Here is a video of a more complex react program that I made. It contains routing and several subcomponents, so I feel it is a better representation of my current facility. Some data fetching from a live API is used, there is a login component that uses session storage, favicons, github icons, and I put in a tricky dashboard highlighting feature that shows an extra bar on the left side of the dashboard depending on which page the user is on.
I created a demo Laravel + React program and made a video of it running on my laptop..
I also created the look and feel for the Young Farmer Business Program subwebsite.
This was done using LESS and Wordpress.I created most of the Cantobet, which is an alphabet for Cantonese. You can see the svg program for typing with the Cantobet here. There is some functionality for serializing the letters that you type, and the left to right or up to down writing direction can be toggled.
I made a parser generator for JavaScript. There is a demo of it here. What is happening is that I am defining a programming language grammar, which I use to parse user input. Then, after the input has been parsed, an output tree is generated. I evaluate the output tree in order to produce the final value of the expression. Note that multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction. Exponentiation is performed before multiplication and division and is right-associative. Multiplication, division, addition and subtraction are left-associative, and parentheses work.
The Simple Parser Generator is available on github.
I also created a 3D vector rotation library here.
In the past, I created user interfaces using ASP.NET and Java as well. I've worked as a full-stack developer on several large code bases that were PHP-based, either PHP+Yii, or PHP+Wordpress, or PHP+Drupal, or PHP+CakePHP. However, I am very versatile and have no trouble working on arbitrary language systems.