Cantobet Input

This program allows people to type using the Cantobet, which is an alphabet for Cantonese(see for more details). Go ahead. Press some of the buttons below!

These are the main letters of the Cantobet. They are called primary glyphs because they make sense on their own. Secondary glyphs(show below), only make sense when it modifies a primary glyph. There's no good word that I know of to describe what they are, but you can think of them as consonants and vowels.

These are the secondary glyphs, and they are like accents that you put on letters to specify tones.

These buttons change the placement of the secondary glyphs.

This button changes the writing direction. Type some stuff out with a combination of different primary and secondary glyphs and then press this button. The glyphs will be retiled. Notice that there is a bit of math that deals with the placement of lines when the secondary glyphs causes the lines to change in height. This was hard to make, and so I hope someone notices it.

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