This is an interactive WebGPU demonstratoin of an orthogonal camera's view of a large box containing several smaller boxes while directional lighting is applied. The large box contains textures that look like a sun. The small boxes have different colours. Both the lighting and the camera can be rotated, but the display itself remains unchanged so that you can see it from different angles. It was successfully tested on Edge and Chrome and demonstrates vector programming, lighting, textures, and a mastery of the WebGPU programming fundamentals.
Orthogonal cameras can be tricky to interpret. The camera starts off located inside of the larger box, but beyond the reach of all the smaller boxes. The camera's distance can be changed using the 1 and 2 buttons(see below for the other controls).
Try resetting the camera(press '0'), rotating it, or viewing the normals(press '9'). Note, if you press '9' to view the normals, it is best done immediately after loading the page.